Sunday, September 12, 2010


"Smile makes people wonder what you are thinking"............said by many people in there status updates in various social networking sites, so felt it very imperative to write something on this topic.

Smile comforts us, Smile brings hope in tough times, smile can makes us lovely, smile makes us feel great, smile create space for a beautiful world.

A child smile is the sign of his/her cuteness.

a gal smile is the sign of her sweetness.

a guy smile is the sign of his responsiveness.

Smile, the word makes us affable.

We don't say this word, but we do follow it everywhere.
I feel, in our mind, there is something which transports us into comfort zone after we see a glimse of smile.
It cures not only the speaker but also the listener. This is one of the way that can make us together.
It brings so much laurel to someone's behaviour that is almost incogitable.

But what we see around us, is nothing, but the purpose, Smile now a days, have become a symbol of professionalism, with no emotion attached. It has become a very deliberate attempt to make work done.

When we see a small child smiling us , we feel so gratifying that we feel like coming close to him/her.

But when we see a beautiful gal, or a handsome guy smiling to us, we do not really exhilarated in the same way.

We start thinking from mind about their intentions. This is because the smile here have got motive or a desire.

I am not saying that we don't come close to them, the only difference is the purity in the child's soul and the impurity in the mind of adults i.e. beautiful gal and handsome guy.

To be very honest i am not trying to compare them. Some of us have perception that if you are like a small child or start smiling for no selfish reasons, then you will be called fool by almost everyone.

Smiling for no reason actually have infinite selfless reasons since they are driven by our instinct.
For instance when you are travelling and you found some people around, and they smile at you, and sometime it may be possible that on that day you will be very happy, although you would never be able to realise that reason of your happiness on that particular day is the selfless smile from them.

May be it's because the selfless smile has more power and purity which gives us internal happiness.

I just want to say, if a tea shopkeeper smiles at you to buy more, then you will not able to recall them, but if the same smile comes in the middle of the road, airport or in the railway stations (Ofcourse you have to be careful from stranger), you may recall their faces since they smiled you simply with no reasons.

So the conclusion is when someone is smiling at you, analyse its purpose, some of us may be aware of their intentions, through day to day experience and thus can figure out easily.

The place matters a lot, when this smiling act is happening at office, or college, or in higher school then it generally has motive although exceptions are law of nature, but when it is happening at primary school, stations, airport, then it may have some purity of course eyes tells us everything, and it can also not be true for all cases.

We are also glad, proud and lucky to meet some people who tries everything to make us smile, and there will be at least one person in any group of this kind, let us respect them rather than taking them as granted or calling them laughing stocks/funny/entertainment elements etc..,because at the end of day making people smile is one of the most difficult thing for a human being.

There are bad smile, good smile, smile of achievement, smile of jealousy, smile of nostalgia, smile of love, smile of peace, smile of bliss, smile of satisfaction, as a human being we can't get rid of any of those since smile is the essence of life.

So let us be human first and smile for no reasons because smile is the tool which gives confidence to a student few moments before examination, smile from the panel is the hope during interview, smile from the judge is the sign of fearlessness during presentation.

The whole thing of transformation of ordinary smile to selfless smile can only be understood or executed by those who give respect to anything for getting nothing in return or practice spirituality.

So if you really want to get true happiness or wanted to be blessed with God hidden inside you, join our hand and make this world a beautiful place where all of us smile at each other and make this world a beautiful place to live in, since at the end of day we are all children of God and got this beautiful life to manifest the divinity within.

Vishal Sinha